Anyone* can join EDINBURGH PEOPLE from anywhere in the world.
All members of EDINBURGH PEOPLE must support the primary aims of the party which are first and foremost to represent the interests of the People of Edinburgh at the expense of other interests.
Secondly, EDINBURGH PEOPLE will not rely on career politicians. Party members will vote to select candidates and vote to reselect elected representatives. An elected MP or MSP could be reselected but only if reselected by the party members.
*Members outwith Edinburgh are encouraged to join and support our party financially but they will not have voting rights to chose policies or candidates.
Proposing Policies and Voting on Policies
EDINBURGH PEOPLE is a highly democratic grassroots member-led party which incorporates Direct Democracy within the party.
Policies are proposed by members only. 10% of the members must support a policy proposal for it to be voted on.
Members vote on policy proposals and a two-thirds majority is needed for the policy to become party policy.
The party will have Bi-annual General Meetings to give the members more opportunities to put forward policy proposals and there will also be Urgent General Meetings which can be called for urgent policy proposals.
Members will be able to cast their votes online but also by email, post and in person.
Voting to choose candidates
The members will vote to select which candidates should stand for EDINBURGH PEOPLE in the Local, Holyrood and Westminster elections.
Direct Democracy will guide our Elected Politicians
Once we have elected politicians, they will consult their local members by email each Friday informing them of all the bills they are voting on the following week and asking members to vote on how they should vote.
Reselecting Sitting Councillors MPs and MSPs
For sitting Councillors, MPs and MSPs their reselection be voted on by the members of EDINBURGH PEOPLE from their ward of constituency.
This will ensure that EDINBURGH PEOPLE does not have career politicians unless they are reselected by the members.